The key ingredients of good social housing design

Good social housing design can make the world of difference to residents, so it's important to get it right. Over the years, we've worked on a range of social and affordable housing projects and we've developed a set of key principles or ingredients which can be combined to create liveable, sustainable and affordable places for residents to thrive…

Social housing is back on the agenda; it's time to revisit Housing As If People Mattered to ensure we get this right

It seems obvious, but designing housing to respond to the needs of people -- to create housing as if people mattered -- is often not the primary consideration in social housing projects. Too often price and expediency are the key drivers and, as a result, the human element is forgotten. With record spending on social housing announced here in Victoria, we think it's time to revisit one of our favourite design resources: Housing as if People Mattered. Published in the 1980s, the book continues to offer timely advice on how to design medium-density family housing to better serve the people who live there.

Benefits of a Green Roof

Benefits of a Green Roof

Colour us jaded, but 'green roof' has become a bit of a buzzword (phrase) of late, but there's more to green roofs than marketing hype, we promise.

Green Roof Substrates

Green Roof Substrates

One of the most important things to get right with green roofs is the substrate. Just like a typical garden, success or failure often comes down the soil!